> Local Offers – Hausplants.ca

Local Offers

I have a number of offers of services for people local to Windsor, Ontario!


Particularly for business clients -- I will come into your office and set your front lobby and/or any meeting rooms with plants: I'll make sure that you have a care guide for each plant to make sure to look after it properly, I'll make sure that it matches your preferences for size, lighting, and how much you'll need to look after it -- and, to boot, I'll even come in as often as needed to take care of them for you, if you'd like!

Staging is an evolving project for every client, of course, so please give me an email and we'll meet as soon as possible to get things worked out!

Plant Consultation

Looking for some new houseplants, but unsure where to start?

We'll meet -- ideally at your house or spaces you'd like to add the plants -- and go through what plants you'd like to add, how you'd like them to dress your space, and how much care you'd like to give. I take everything into account -- including how instagrammable you need them to be!

I'll make sure that you leave confident in your newfound green thumbs -- with a solid plan of action, a selection of care guides at your fingertips, and specific, viable suggestions that are within your budget. If you'd like, I can even do the plant shopping for you, for an additional fee.

Experiencing some problems with your current plants? Unsure what to do?

We'll meet -- again, ideally at your space, so that I can see the plant in its usual habitat. We'll figure out what's going on, how to irmprove it, and I'll make sure that you're set up for success!

Plant consultations generally start at $20 to cover my experience and training -- but if you're low on funds, get in contact with me. Local plant people are the backbone of who I am making this site for -- we'll work something out!

Plant Shopping

Need some new plants? Not got the time to figure everything out -- or to head out to Colasanti's yourself for the plants themselves?

For a nominal fee, I'll make sure you get the best of the best -- we'll go over everything from what type of lighting you're working with, to how much care you want to provide, and what budget you're working with -- and I'll return with a collection of houseplants and care guides for you!

Interested in any services? Shoot me a message at plantdaddyyqg@gmail.com, or using this form!