Toxic Plants
Scenario: You go to your favourite garden centre, pick out a gorgeous plant you've wanted for ages -- but wait! You just got a new baby kitten, so it's time to start checking toxicity, right? You look it up, and -- damn, that's listed as toxic!
... What does toxic mean, exactly?
Short version: Most houseplants that are considered "toxic to cats" (or to pets in general) are very, very mildly toxic.
Medium-length version: For most houseplants, they're toxic because they contain sharp, microscopic crystals that tear into flesh -- starting with the gums when the pet chews on the plant. This causes pain, which is enough to mean that most cats will sample a new plant once, decide it's too painful and not worth it, and b.
If they actually go far enough to ingest any of the plant, which is not unheard of but fairly rare, they'll almost definitely only ingest a tiny amount, possibly enough to cause drooling, an upset stomach, or possibly vomiting like they'd eaten grass. For them to have a more serious reaction than that, they'd need to ingest a decent amount, like an entire leaf or two, and considering cats are obligate carnivores this is pretty rare.
I've yet to be able to find a documented case of a pet dying from eating your average houseplant -- with a single exception.
The only case I've ever found that wasn't hearsay has been a single case of a dog eating a sago palm seed, and unfortunately didn't survive. There was also a case of a toddler also dying after eating one! I don't understand why they're even sold sometimes.