> FAQs – Page 3 – Hausplants.ca


Short answer: ...it depends! Long answer: There are a few possible reasons... .. and the culprit can usually be figured out by looking at the patterning of browning, along with how you've been taking care of the plant! Check for pests The first step, whenever a plant starts changing unexpectedly for the worse, is to look for pests. This should already be a regular part of your routine, but do it again, paying extra-close attention this time! Look for spider mite webbing in the nooks and crannies; white mealybug residue where the petioles meet the stems; telltale black dots or...

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Short answer: Yes! Long answer: Yes -- because... We all know -- or, at least, we all should know -- that plants create energy using the energy found in light, using something called chlorophyll -- and very likely, you remember that chlorophyll is green!  There are other chemicals that are present in plants that create the wide array of colours found in nature; some are there purely to attract pollinators, and some have added benefits -- like, for example, leaves often come in red or pinkish because those pigments actually reflect UV light, which can harm the sensitive new leaf! (This...

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