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When you’re potting -- or repotting -- your plants, you likely use a bag of potting soil. That’s completely fine, especially for a beginner -- but it’s kind of like “one size fits all” clothing: it might technically fit each plant, but it’s not going to fit each plant well. 

So how do you fix it?

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I getcha. One of the first things that everyone thinks of when they think of "caring for your plants" is giving them a nice mist -- the spray bottle is right up there with a watering can. What's more, you probably know by now that most tropicals prefer higher-than-average humidity -- and every single houseplant site suggests misting a few times a week as a remedy!

So why SHOULDN'T you mist your houseplants?

 First, let's look at the purported benefits. Then, we'll explore the potential drawbacks -- and, finally, I'll mention the one time I do suggest misting!

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Sorry, this is a placeholder! It'll be replaced with a real article soon enough.

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Sorry, this is a placeholder! It'll be replaced with a real article soon enough.

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All About, Watering -

Everything to do with watering: when to do it, how much to give, and what affects it!

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